Cultivating Cultural Connections: SKIS attends the Coppélia ballet at the Volksoper Wien

At Schloss Krumbach International School, we believe in nurturing well-rounded individuals by organising versatile culture trips to Vienna and across Europe. We strive to ensure that our students are not only academically enriched but also culturally empowered, ready to embrace the world with open minds and open hearts.

As part of our commitment to cultural enrichment, our students recently paid a visit to the Volksoper Wien to witness the timeless ballet, Coppelia. As per plot, Dr. Coppélius is a doctor who has made a life-size dancing doll. It is so lifelike that Franz, a village youth, becomes infatuated with it and sets aside his heart’s true desire, Swanhilda. She shows him his folly by dressing as the doll, pretending to make it come to life and ultimately saving him from an untimely end at the hands of the inventor.

Students enjoyed the ballet very much – we are very grateful to the Volksoper Wien for hosting such a fabulous performance. In general, by providing opportunities like this visit to the Vienna Opera, we aim to foster a deep understanding and appreciation for the arts in our students. Witnessing the dedication and talent of the ballet dancers, our students are inspired to pursue their own artistic passions and work harder on their other dreams.