Open Gates

Open Gates

We talk future – we change future.

Meet Schloss Krumbach International School’s Open Gates!

The Open Gates addresses strategic trends and opportunities in the sphere of education and how these can be aligned with the policies and outlook of the school as a fusion of innovation and history. The Open Gates brings together world-famous experts and practitioners in education, politics, international security, business, and so on – people with rich experience who shape and lead their respective fields.


The idea behind the Open Gates is to set up a discussion platform, accessible to all the members of our academic community. Although having a chance to communicate with the experts of such a level is a unique experience at any age, it becomes truly life-changing for our students, mapping up their future professional paths. This is one example of how SKIS shapes destinies and inspires hearts.


A student-oriented analogue of the World Economic Forum, the Open Gates events are unique both in their format and democratic approach to student-expert dialogue.