Krumbach Boys Take Over Berlin

Schloss Krumbach International School’s younger students just returned from an exciting learning journey to the vibrant city of Berlin, delving into the chapters of European culture, art, technology, history, and art, that shaped the world we live in today.

From standing in awe before the historic Brandenburg Gate and Reichstag, exploring Egyptian archaeological collections, classical antiquities, and Etruscan art at the New and Old Museums, and learning about wildlife at the Berlin Zoo, to enjoying the art at the Gemäldegallerie, getting eaten by T-Rex at the Natural History Museum, and trying out the German cuisine, our students had a trip to remember at a city with a character as multi-sided and dynamic as the historical upheavals that brought it into being.

We attribute the profound impact of this trip to our comprehensive educational curriculum at Schloss Krumbach, which instills in our students a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of history, art, and technology. A special thanks also goes to expertise and commitment of the accompanying teachers, keeping students well-taught and well-fed. In addition, it was a great opportunity to make sure our students practice their German in a different setting. And – showcase their extraordinary artistic skills!

Bis bald, Berlin – until we meet again!