Congratulations to Class of 2024!

On May 15th, upon a completion of IB DP Exams, our whole school community gathered to hold a graduation ceremony for our class of 2024.

Your journey towards this day has been neither easy nor linear, full of ups and downs, successes and challenges. Yet, through faith and with grace, you faired well, and made our school proud on many occasions. We celebrate your courage, kindness and persistence today!

We also celebrate today all of our staff members that support our school every day and make sure that students have all that they need, tasty meals, lovely rooms and also fully equipped classrooms.

And, of course, we celebrate our teachers, sharing their knowledge, experience, and heart with the students, and pushing, encouraging, sometimes even lifting Grade 12 up throughout the last miles of exams.

Finally, most of all, we celebrate our school leadership, whose hard restless work on all the fronts, unconditional commitment to students’ well-being, and sheer willpower to grapple with whatever challenges that arise, keeps our school going.

ConGRADs to Schloss Krumbach International School!